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Biden Administration’s Dangerous New ?Asylum Restrictions Put Lives at Risk

For Immediate Release

June 06, 2024


Biden Administration’s Dangerous New

Asylum Restrictions Put Lives at Risk

Baton Rouge, LA – The Biden Administration issued an Executive Order on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, that reflects a devastating step backward for thousands seeking asylum at the US border. Beginning today – Thursday, June 6, 2024, this new policy will further restrict asylum for thousands and may also endanger the lives of vulnerable individuals seeking safety at our southern borders. As an organization that has witnessed the resilience and courage of refugees and immigrants, the Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrants (LORI) joins immigrant rights groups and nonprofit relief organizations around the country in condemning this new policy and the consequences it will have for so many.


Dauda Sesay, Founder, President, and CEO of LORI, shared his personal experience: “As someone who has faced the trauma of war, lost loved ones, and sought safety in this nation, I am disheartened to see this country turning away people seeking the same safety and protection that I once did.” “The Administration’s decision to restrict asylum is a painful reminder that we are not just abandoning our values of compassion, justice, and humanity, but also a stark reminder that the Administration is willing to sacrifice the safety and well-being of innocent people for political gain,” further exclaimed Sesay.


 “The executive order’s implications extend beyond the immediate restrictions. It sends a message to the world about our stance on human rights and our commitment to international humanitarian principles. This is not the America I know and it doesn’t reflect our nation’s true values. As someone who has been through the asylum process, I fear for those who will now face even greater hurdles,” says Sharon Njie, LORI Communications and Strategic Partnership Director.


Seeking asylum is a legal right, a fundamental human plea for protection and safety. Yet, this Administration chooses to criminalize and endanger those who dare to hope for a better future. 


Join us in calling on the Biden Administration to:


– Reconsider these harmful asylum restrictions

– Protect the legal right to seek asylum

– Create a safe and orderly asylum system rather than punishing vulnerable individuals seeking refuge and protection. 


Together, let us stand for justice, compassion, and humanity.


About LORI

Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrants (LORI) is a unique organization in Louisiana. It is led by individuals who have personally experienced the challenges faced by refugees and immigrants, and they work to advocate for the issues that impact their families and communities. LORI’s mission is to uplift refugees and immigrants during different stages of their integration process and enable them to become self-sufficient. This is achieved through various initiatives such as economic empowerment, legal aid, social integration, and civic engagement & advocacy. LORI is committed to building a welcoming and supportive community for refugees and im?migrants in Louisiana.

Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrants| 1120 Government Street Ste E, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 | 225-239-7819 | info@mylori.org | www.mylori.org


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